How to tie a Liberty Ship up.

Ever wonder how to tie a Liberty Ship to the dock? When you visit the SS Jeremiah O’Brien, you may notice the ropes that tie her to the dock. Ropes […]

Liberty Ships in the movies

Liberty Ships in the movies - A screenshot from the movie SPHERE of the interior of the boat deck on the SS Jeremiah O'Brien with a man walking away from the camera.

Hi I think interior ship scenes in Sphere (1998) were filmed on SS Jeremiah O-Brien. In a still from the film there are many certificates on the wall. Do you know what those are? – John Boyle, from the internet.

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Sidney Rudy Maritime Park 1-2025

SS Jeremiah O'Brien as seen from Sidney Rudy Maritime Park

From Pier 39 the Liberty Ship SS Jeremiah O’Brien can be seen, and we are open for tours every day of the week from 10:00 – 4:00. Make plans to […]

We Welcome a few Interesting Visitors

Today we welcomed Colleen and Alfred Wilson, two volunteers from way down under in New Zealand. They are both crew members of the steam Tug Lyttleton. The Lyttleton is a […]

Something New from Something Old:

Saturday March 29th 12:00pm – 1:30pm Radio Club Monthly Meeting The SS Jeremiah O’Brien will have it’s first monthly meeting of the JOBARC (our Ham Radio call sign). If you […]

A New Website!

The new website for the SS Jeremiah O’Brien is live and packed with exciting updates! It now features a streamlined design that brings the ship’s rich history to life while […]